Fragrance Regulation Changes

Fragrance Regulation Changes

European Commission & IFRA Updates

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European Commission & IFRA Updates

It is one year since the European Commission amended the fragrance allergens list and IFRA implemented the 51st Amendment.

European Commision Changes:
In July 2023, the European Commission has amended the regulation EC1223/2009 with the amendment 2023/1545 to include an additional 56 contact allergens, which increased the total fragrances in the Annex III to 82. New cosmetic products are required to comply with the new requirement by the 31st July 2026. Existing products get an additional 2 years to comply by 31st July 2028.

IFRA Changes:
In June 2023, the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has introduced the 51st amendment to the standard. The new standard is prohibiting and restricting certain fragrance materials, while the Maximum Acceptable Concentrations (MCA) for several ingredients have been updated.
All existing or new creations are required to comply with the standard for prohibited ingredients since June 30, 2024.
New creations should comply with the existing standards regarding restricted ingredients since March 30, 2024.
Existing products are required to comply with the new standard by the October 30, 2025.

For more details see resources below

The ASCC Technical Committee will be organising information sessions on the importance of fragrance standards and regulations in the near future.