Facts about Personal Care/Cosmetic Products

Facts about Personal Care/Cosmetic Products

Reliable web sites for science based information regarding personal care/cosmetic products.

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Facts about Personal Care/Cosmetic Products

Prepared by John Warby – ASCC Technical Committee
This issue August 2019

The intent of this article is to indicate web-sites which may give reliable, science based information regarding personal care/cosmetic products. The statement is intended only to address general issues on products/material/claims which may be of concern to the public.

There is a multitude of sites which claim to have reliable information but which may be based on hearsay, opinion, use of outdated information or quite incorrect information.

Remember that in Australia, claims must be able to be substantiated and incorrect, misleading or deceptive claims can result in substantial fines through the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC).

There may also be requirements under legislation regarding permitted ingredients and state based legislation such as the Department of Fair Trading.

Note – there may be some variation in what claims may be permitted in different countries.