Benefits of Membership

Being a Member of the ASCC opens the door to meeting Raw Material Suppliers, Contract Manufacturers, Industry Experts and Consultants relevant to the Personal Care Industry. It enables you to network with like minds and meet others who may have the solution to your formulation, manufacturing or regulatory issues – and provide you with opportunities to enter or grow within this industry that you never realised before! 

Be a part of this incredible network to experience the following ‘Members Only’ benefits:

  • Invitations to exclusive networking and educational events in various states throughout the year.
  • Access to our Members Only library containing past conference papers,raw material information and articles.
  • The most extensive ‘Members Only’ database of raw material suppliers and contract manufacturers Australia wide.
  • Special ‘Members Only’ rates at our Annual Conference – SAVE your membership fees on your members only pricing; hear internationally recognised speakers talk about industry advancements and materials, see the latest launches and build your professional network at this, our biggest Annual event.
  • ‘Members Only’ rates at educational events.
  • Discover the latest innovations via our linked-in community, and advertise the new and exciting materials or products your organisation has to offer FREE
  • Advertise the positions you have available and tap into our network of skilled professionals to fill those vacancies FREE.
  • FREE job searching for ‘Members Only’ of positions available.
  • FREE annual subscription to ‘The Science of Beauty’ magazine.
  • Membership of the ASCC makes you a member of the International Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists (IFSCC) too!


Benefits for Brand Owners

  • Speak with Industry Experts including Formulators, Regulatory Affairs and Testing Specialists.
  • Get connected with Contract Manufacturers of varying manufacturing capabilities.
  • Be introduced to innovative raw material solutions for revolutionary product concepts and launches.
  • Be informed of the latest happenings benefiting and/or affecting our industry – both in Australia and internationally.
  • Find out who you can contact when you need support or assistance in this industry.
  • Be advised of educational and networking opportunities – and in many cases, get a discount when attending


Benefits for Cosmetic Chemists, Raw Material Suppliers and Contract Manufacturers

  • Access our database of Raw Material suppliers to get connected with the right raw materials FAST!
  • Discounted Member pricing to National networking, educational events and the annual conference.
  • Opportunities for Recognition through the Continuing Professional. Development program
  • Promote your latest innovative launches through LinkedIn*
    Be recognised for your efforts with various Industry Awards.
  • Post employment opportunities or find the next step in your career.
  • Contribute to the Society by becoming part of a Committee or the Council.
  • Grow your network and your career.


Benefits for Benefactors – Opportunity for Organisations to get even more Membership Benefits!

Are you: a Company/Organisation in the Personal Care industry with 1 or more current members?
Have you: thought about joining more of your team?
Want more: benefits out of your membership for your organisation?

Then the ASCC Benefactors Program is for YOU! Join your Organisation as an ASCC Benefactor Instead!
Organisations can become an ASCC Benefactor for one low rate and join up to four members ($500). It is actually CHEAPER for you to join as a Benefactor than join up four staff at regular prices.

Additional members (>4) can join at just $110/member

Get all Member benefits listed above PLUS**:

  • Company listings on our Databases
  • Company listed as a Benefactor on the ASCC website
  • FREE advertising for employment opportunities and
  • Opportunities to promote your Organisation’s innovations through LinkedIn!


Are you a smaller organisation wanting these same great benefits?

If you only have one or two members to join, you can still sign up to the Benefactors Program and get all the promotional benefits for the same low fee. You can’t beat the promotions on offer as part of this program and it covers the whole year, should you take on or wish to join up more staff! JOIN the Benefactors Program NOW!

Now more than ever, it pays to be a part of Australia’s biggest Cosmetic Science network! Join Individually or as a Benefactor with your Organisation.

You will be kept informed of events and hot topics through newsletters; and receive a FREE annual subscription to ‘The Science of Beauty’ magazine and access to the KOSMET Raw Material database.

Be a part of something big! For more information, pricing and an application form click here.

**An ASCC Benefactors Program benefit. **Note: any new members you wish to join will need to complete a membership form along with an additional payment of $44 per member as an administration cost.