European Regulatory Change

European Regulatory Change

The European Commission restricts the use of cyclic silicones - A note from the ASCC Technical Committee

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The European Commission restricts the use of cyclic silicones

A note from the ASCC Technical Committee

From 6 June 2026, the level of Cyclomethicone (volatile silicone) permitted in rinse off products marketed in the European Union will be restricted to a maximum of 0.1%. This will extend to all cosmetic products from 6 June 2027.

These restrictions apply to each of the following substances:

Cyclotetrasiloxane D4 (Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane) | CAS # 556-67-2

Cyclopentasiloxane D5 (Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane) | CAS # 541-02-6

Cyclohexasiloxane D6 (Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane) | CAS # 540-97-6

Formulators and marketers need to consider this when developing products intended to be marketed in the EU. Products that include these materials and are marketed into the EU will need to be reformulated.