Jack Jacobs Memorial Trophy

Jack Jacobs Memorial Trophy

Awarded to the best paper at the ASCC Annual Conference based on original research conducted in either Australia or New Zealand.

Other Awards

Lester Conrad Award

This award is in memory of Lester Conrad who was instrumental in establishing the IFSCC and the ASCC.

Peter Strasser Award

Introduced in 2017 the Peter Strasser Award is awarded to the best overall workshop presented at the conference.

Gilda Severino Award

Introduced in 2024 the Gilda Severino Award is awarded to the best Poster Display at an annual conference.

Awarded to the best paper at the ASCC Annual Conference based on original research conducted in either Australia or New Zealand.

Jack Jacobs founded Bronson and Jacobs and was involved in the formation of the ASCC.

This is a local award designed to encourage research within Australia and New Zealand. 

Technical content is the major basis for judging this award.

Eligibility for the award:

  • Original Research conducted in either Australia or New Zealand.
  • Not published or presented prior to the conference at which it is presented
  • Be the result of work conducted or completed in the last 12 months, prior to submitting the extract
  • Relevant to the Cosmetic Industry
  • Shall not contain commercial references, trade names, etc.
  • The author shall present the paper.


In order to be eligible for the Jack Jacobs Award the presenter shall provide (before the conference) a written, formal paper, which may be accompanied by Powerpoint presentation, slides, tables, illustrations etc. A presentation which is solely based on slides or powerpoint presentation does not constitute a paper and is not eligible for this award.

In addition to the eligibility criteria detailed below, this paper must be based on original research conducted in either Australia or New Zealand.

Judging criteria, in order of importance are:

  • Originality (5 points maximum)
  • Scientific Contribution (5 points maximum)
  • Importance and Relevance to the Industry (5 points maximum)
  • Adherence to the theme of the conference (1 points maximum)
  • Presentation (2 points maximum)
  • References (2 points maximum)

The winning presenter will be awarded a plaque at the Conference Gala Dinner. Their name will be engraved onto the Jack Jacobs Cup which remains the property of the ASCC.

Both the Lester Conrad Shield and the Jack Jacobs Cup are on display during the proceedings of the Conference.

The winner of this Trophy will have their paper printed in the Science of Beauty magazine following the Conference.

Past Winners

1987 Clint Kopp

1988 Dr Neil R Foster

1989 Jennie Kelson

1990 Gavin Greenoak

1991 Phil Jones

1992 Gavin Greenoak

1993 Dr Malcolm Nearn

1994 Dr Harry Greenland

1995 Dr Vivian Reeves

1998 John Staton

1999 Justine Stockley

2000 Erica Wanless

2001 Dr Amanda Hayes

2002 Chris Strauss

2003 Dr Sheree Cross

2005 Dr Shree Cross

2006 Catherine Jagger

2007 Robert Houlden

Barry Hunt

2008 Dr Sheree Cross

2011 John Staton

2012 Matthias Haeussler

2013 John Staton

2014 Dr Helen Fitton

2015 John Staton

2016 Dr Bryce Feltis

2017 Robert Houlden

2019 Dr. Tamim Darwish

2020 No Conference

2021 Martin Shortt

2022 Giacomo Ancri

2023 Joshua Marlow

2024 Tom Collier